
The 5 WHY questions

The 5 WHY questions

Are projects answering the correct why response? Let’s deviate slightly to understand what triggered my question. This week I picked up my granddaughter from daycare and told her we were not going straight home; we were going to call into the shops to get a few...

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Girls have STEM dreams too

Girls have STEM dreams too

In recognition of International Women’s Day – DigitALL: innovation and technology for gender equality – this Wednesday 8 March, I have been thinking about my love of maths and how things played out for me. I would line up all my dolls and teddies and sit in front of...

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Celebrating Women in Tech

Celebrating Women in Tech

I remember this day back in 2008 as if it was yesterday, parts of the moment I regret, and other parts were foundational in understanding and growing my project leadership strengths. The meeting was held in a traditional boardroom with an oval table, 12 high back...

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Stay on track for project success

Stay on track for project success

You are driving for hours to an important meeting; the conversations and decisions today could have you popping champagne in celebration of your dream coming true.  You have done everything you can to be ready for this moment. You have planned the route you will take,...

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