Ep52 A Thriving Mind with Dr Jenny Brockis

In this episode Jeanette talks with Dr Jenny Brockis,  a board-certified lifestyle medicine physician and best-selling author. Her vision is to empower everyone to be a happy, thriving human. She is a keynote speaker, trainer, mentor/coach and prolific writer.

We talk about:

  • Her transition from a GP to Author and Key Note Speaker.
  • Her book “Future Brain” and model – brain savvy, brain safe, brain aware.
  • What is one thing we can do to improve our cognitive (brain) health?
  • Her upcoming book “Thriving Mind – how to cultivate a good life”.
  • What is one thing we can all do right now to thrive?
  • How she maintains her own energy levels while helping so many others?

As a kid, Jenny’s favourite tale was Rudyard Kipling’s Just-So story ‘How The Elephant Got His Trunk. Like the elephant she was insatiably curious about the world. She wanted to know how things worked, why things were ‘Just So’. It got her into a bit of trouble too, like the time she set fire to the kitchen and the time she caused the ceiling in the family room to collapse after exploring how this new-fangled thing in the bathroom called a bidet worked.

Jenny’s curiosity led her to develop a sense of awe and wonder about the human body and why sometimes things went wrong. She spent her life looking after the health and wellbeing of others from being the Principal of a group medical practice, to setting up her workplace-based consultancy Brain Fit in 2009 specialising in brain health, mental wellbeing and social connection.

She has presented to and worked with thousands of people to empower them to cultivate a thriving mind, what it takes to stay well, think smart and stay safe. Seeing the spark of insight in someone’s face when they ‘get’ what they can do for themselves, is what gets me out of bed in the morning.

When not out and about presenting or training you’ll find her either cuddled up with a book, hiking in nature, or spending time with those who mean the most.

You can find out more about Dr Jenny Brockis by visiting her website or email her jenny@drjennybrockis.com.